The Lymph System
The body’s lymphatic system is closely related and joined to the cardiovascular system by a system of capillaries. Wherever there are blood vessels there are also lymphatic vessels that transport excess fluid to the end vessels without the assistance of any “pumping” action. The lymphatic system plays a key role in the distribution of fluid and nutrients throughout the body by draining excess fluid and proteins and preventing the swelling of tissues. “Lymph” is a milky body fluid that contains a type of white blood cells, called “lymphocytes,” along with proteins and fats. Lymph seeps outside the blood vessels in spaces of body tissues and is stored in the lymphatic system before flowing back into the bloodstream.
Two very large areas are of significance in the lymphatic system – the right lymphatic duct, which drains lymph fluid from the upper right quarter of the body above the diaphragm and down the mid-line, and the thoracic duct, a structure roughly sixteen inches long located in the mediastinum of the pleural cavity which drains the rest of the body. It is through the actions of this system, including the spleen (the largest body of lymphoid tissue in the human body), the thymus, lymph nodes and lymph ducts, that the body is able to fight infection and to ward off invasion from foreign invaders.
Removes and Destroys Toxins and Germs
The body’s lymphatic and cardiovascular systems work concurrently to enable the body to eliminate the products of cellular breakdown and bacterial invasion. The lymphatic system plays a vital role in the immune system and in the absorption of fats from the intestines. It is one of the body’s most important defense mechanisms, filtering out disease-causing organisms, producing certain white blood cells and generating antibodies. There are more than 100 tiny, oval structures called “lymph nodes,” located throughout the body. These are primarily in the neck, groin and armpits, but are also found scattered all along the lymph vessels. They act as barriers to infection by filtering out and destroying toxins and germs.
The key to healthy lymphatic system function is to support it with LYMPH CLEAR™ along with maintaining a proper diet and drinking adequate amounts of water. LYMPH CLEAR™ is a compound of nine naturally occurring herbs scientifically proven to be pharmacologically rich in constituents which aid in the optimum performance of the body’s lymphatic system.
These Statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Direct Benefits for a Healthy Body
LYMPH CLEAR™ is a compound of herbal ingredients that are historically associated with benefits to the body and its lymphatic fluid filtration processes.
This unique health supplement is not just the result of a noble laboratory experiment, but was scrupulously formulated by internationally acclaimed Holistic Practitioner and Herbologist, Daniel Phend, and successfully used by actual clients for well over a decade.
Proven success for Real People
The following benefits are historically associated with LYMPH CLEAR™
- Improves the skin and glandular structures, especially those of the cheek, throat, sexual system & mammary glands
- A tonic on the fibrous and serous tissues and mucous membranes of the digestive & urinary tracts
- An anti-spasmodic & expectorant
- Anti-inflammatory
- Suppresses the appetite & catabolizes fatty acids to allow them to move from storage tissue into the blood stream
- A stimulant & diaphoretic
- Diuretic for inflammatory states of the urinary tract, & for febrile conditions, nodulated growths, or deposits in skin or mucous membranes
- Promotes perspiration and expels mucous
- Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory actions
- Boosts lymphatic cleansing of the blood
- Enhances the fluids of the immune system
- Helps in soothing upset stomachs
- Nutritive tonic, circulatory stimulant, anti-hemorrhagic & diuretic
- Increases excretion of uric acid
- Astringent, sedative & anti-syphilitic
- Gastric, hepatic & splenic stimulant
- Increases the secretions of the glandular apparatus of the gastro-intestinal tract
- A laxative and efficient hepatic
- Stimulates the liver to help cause an increased biliary secretion
These Statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
To order LYMPH CLEAR™ e-mail:
POKE ROOT (root) – Acts upon the skin and glandular structures, especially those of the buccal (cheek) cavity, throat, sexual system, and mammary glands. Acts on the fibrous and serous tissues and mucous membranes of the digestive and urinary tracts.1
CLEAVERS (aerial parts) – Nervine, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, and diaphoretic. Diuretic for inflammatory states of the urinary tract, and for febrile conditions, nodulated growths, or deposits in skin or mucous membranes.2
BLUE FLAG (root) – Anti-inflammatory. May help to suppress appetite and to catabolize fatty acids so that they move from storage tissue in the body into the blood stream.
CALENDULA (flower) – May help as a stimulant and diaphoretic. May help to promote perspiration and expel mucous.3
ECHINACEA PURPUREA (root) – Known for its antibiotic actions, this herb may help to boost lymphatic cleansing of the blood and enhance the immune system. Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory.4
GINGER (root) – This herb is most famous for its digestive properties. It is an anti-inflammatory herb and may help to soothe upset stomachs.5
NETTLE (leaf) – Nutritive tonic, circulatory stimulant, anti-hemorrhagic, diuretic. This herb may help to increase excretion of uric acid. Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal.6
RED ROOT (root) – Astringent, expectorant, sedative, anti-spasmodic, and anti-syphilitic. Gastric, hepatic, and splenic stimulant.7
WILD INDIGO (root) – This root may help to increase the secretions of the glandular apparatus of the gastro-intestinal tract. A laxative and efficient hepatic, this herb may help to stimulate the liver and may help to cause an increased biliary secretion.8 Purgative, emetic, stimulant, astringent, and antiseptic.9
1 Phytolacca-Kings Dispensatory.
2 Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D., King’s American Dispensatory (Cincinnati : Ohio Valley Co., 1898-1900).
3 Maud Grieve, A Modern Herbal; the Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties… (New York : Hafner, 1959).
4 Rita Elkins, M.H. The Pocket Herbal Reference (Pleasant Grove, Utah : Woodland, 1997).
5 Carole Fisher and Fillan Painter, Materia Medica of Western Herbs for the Southern Hemisphere (New Zealand : unknown, 1996).
6 Carole Fisher and Fillan Painter, Materia Medica of Western Herbs for the Southern Hemisphere (New Zealand : unknown, 1996).
7 Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D., King’s American Dispensatory (Cincinnati : Ohio Valley Co., 1898-1900).
8 Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D., King’s American Dispensatory (Cincinnati : Ohio Valley Co., 1898-1900).
9 Maud Grieve, A Modern Herbal; the Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties… (New York : Hafner, 1959).
Clearing the way to a New You!